BAB 7 Time and Coordination

Time and Coordination
1.What is time? :-)
- Issue: How do you coordinate distributed computers if there is no global time?
- Problem: There is no Global Time that everyone can synchronize on
- Issues: Clock drift, clock skew
- Approach - Bound the amount of skew
- Why do we want to coordinate?
- e.g., certificates, time stamps on files, ...

- Two systems agree to what time it is
- External - Use an external clock
- Internal - Use local clocks (subset of external)
- One approach to synchronizing two systems:
- Send a message with the time, t, receiver sets time to t+transmission time
- Problem: network is asynchronous, not isynchronous...
- e.g., Bank Vault Problem

3.NTP - Network Time Protocol
- Designed to:
- Synchronize computers on a large network to UTC
- Reliability - Can survive lengthy losses of connectivity
- Provide significantly less drift than motherboard clocks
- Security against denial of service and Spoofing

4. NTP Implementation
- UDP-based
- Hierarchy of primary and secondary servers
- Root nodes are Primary servers
- Connected directly to master clocks
- Next level are secondary servers
- Synchronized to primary servers
- Hierarchy continues, e.g., with your workstation at a leaf

5. NTP Implementation, cont.
- As servers become disconnected from higher tiers, they can synchronize with their peers (or lower)
- Synchronization occurs via three modes:
- Multicast (on high-speed LANs)
- Procedure-call, based on Christian's algorithm (probabilistic)
- Symmetric - Exchange time data regularly, use data to more accurately predict round trip times

6. Distributed Mutual Exclusion
- Need to restrict access to distributed resource
- e.g., file on a distributed file system
- Need safety and fairness (liveness, maybe ordering)
- Key objectives - Low bandwidth, low latency, low impact on peak rate at which resource can be accessed
- Simple: Central server algorithm
- Performance: entering critical section - 2 messages + 1 RT time delay, release is 1 message + no delay

7. Distributed Mutual Exclusion, cont.
- Ricart and Agrawala - DME based on multicast and clocks
- A peer process multicasts a request to enter a critical section
- Messages is <Ti, pi> (time stamp + unique process id)
- Messages are totally ordered
- The process can enter once it hears back from all its peers

8. Consensus
- 1 process suggests a value, N processes agree to it
- e.g., all systems must agree to launch or to abort
- Classes of consensus problems:
- Byzantine generals (attack or retreat)
- Interactive consistency (agree on a vector of values)

9. Byzantine Generals
- 3 or more generals must agree to attack
- Only one issues the order
- The others must decide to do “the right thing”
- There can be treachery!
- No authentication

10. Byzantine Generals, cont.
- In a synchronous system, impossible with N<= 3f
- Example solution - for N>= 4, f=1, majority function suffices
- In an asynchronous system, impossible
- Cannot distinguish between treachery and slowness